Weekly Bible Line

Most Christians have never journeyed through the entire bible. Many have read various scriptures here and there but not usually from Genesis to Revelation.

Although this practice is very common, it is not an effective approach to experiencing God without first, reading the bible in it's entirety.

Can you emagine reading any other book, starting at the middle, or jumping around here and there? Do you really believe you can gain the best experience reading the bible or any other book in that manner? certainly not.

We have setup an opportunity for you to experience the word of God in its fullness. When you call into the bible line, you will be joining many others who are there for a similar purpose, which is to Journey through the bible.

Upon entering the Bible line this is what you can expect;

1. We start in Prayer, asking God to open our understanding.

2. We play the audio bible over the phone and listen together for 20-30 minutes at a time.

3. We pause and discuss what we heard and check on you to make sure that you are still on the line.

4. We listen for a total of 90 minutes taking discussion breaks every 20-30 minutes.

At this rate we expect to complete our journey through the bible in approximately 5-6 months.

The audio bible from Genesis to Revelation is approximately 70 hours, and we do 3 hours a week. This means it will take approximately 25 weeks to complete the entire Bible. There are times we may decide to go longer as a group if we are enjoying the experience, this may also help to shorten the journey.

We hope that you will join us for this dynamic experience.

If you would like to receive a call automatically you can sign up and the system will dial your phone and bring you into the conference.